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While each sport varies, there are certain skills that are universal among great athletes. Fast reaction times, impeccable vision, precise coordination and intense focus are all necessary to turn an average player into a legendary athlete. The Qball is a solid rubber reaction ball that was specifically designed to train the core aspects of athletics. It is the only reaction ball on the market that exercises the brain and body simultaneously.
The Qball, a solid rubber reaction ball with, helps strengthen eye-hand coordination resulting in improved sports performance and athletic success. Eye-hand coordination tends to be an overlooked athletic ability, but it is an imperative component to many sports. Tennis, baseball, basketball, golf and many other sports require exact and calculated movements to achieve mastery and success.
The cerebellum can easily be considered the seat of athleticism in the brain. It is the area of the brain that is dedicated to movement and the coordination and execution of motor functions. From swinging a bat to throwing a football, every athlete's success is dependent on this kiwi-sized brain area located at the top of the brainstem. The Qball is a unique tool that was specifically designed to exercise the cerebellum, leading to improved cognitive functioning and sports performance.
Psychologists have long known the important role that working memory plays in academics and our daily lives. However, only recently has light been shed on the crucial role that working memory plays in sports. The Qball is perfectly designed to exercise and enhance working memory while also training other core aspects of sports such as hand-eye coordination, reaction times and focus. Working memory is the ability to hold and work with numerous ideas and concepts in the mind simultaneously.
In sports, elite athletes are often praised for their superior physicality, strength and speed, with very little reference ever made to their brains. However, this is beginning to change as scientists realize that the brains of professional athletes differ from the average individual in significant and impressive ways.
Over the past few years numerous studies have focused on the role that anticipatory skills play in athletics, particularly in regards to elite athletes. These studies have unanimously come to the conclusion that elite athletes possess superior anticipation skills compared to novices athletes. The Qball is perfectly designed to train and enhance core anticipatory skills such as vision, reaction times, mental processing speed and focus.
While nearly everyone is aware of Alzheimer's disease and the devastating affects that it has on an individual's memory and cognition, many people are surprised to learn that the disease often extends to vision as well. Alzheimer's and dementia significantly affect the visual processing system in individuals, particularly the way in which the brain takes in and interprets visual information.
Vision therapy is shedding light on the silent disorder that many children all over North America are suffering from: nonverbal learning disorder. Nonverbal learning disorder is a disorder that affect's nonverbal domains such as visual processing, spatial relationships, and gross motor abilities and is often attributed to weak visual processing skills. As the field of vision therapy continues to expand, children are now receiving the help they need to overcome this challenging disorder.
Communication between the two brain hemispheres can help improve with the retrieval of memory, leading to enhanced cognitive and athletic performance.
Academic achievement and athletics are often thought to be two mutually exclusive talents, with very little overlap. Just because a child excels at dodge ball doesn't necessarily mean that that they are a whiz at math. Or does it?

Everyday elite athletes all over the world utilize and rely on peripheral vision to perform successfully in sports. Peripheral vision and awareness allow athletes to see multiple moving objects, recognize patterns and react quickly and accurately.

We all know that the only way to progress in any sport is to be continually challenging oneself, pushing the limits and putting in the training time. The Qball is a fun and engaging tool that uses speed to continually challenge an individual, pushing them to consistently perform to the best of their abilities.

The Qball: The Perfect Christmas Present for the Aspiring Athlete If you are shopping for an aspiring athlete this Christmas season, the Qball makes the ideal stocking stuffer. A solid rubber reaction ball with an erratic bounce, the Qball trains hand-eye coordination, reaction times and focus.

The Qball is a solid rubber reaction ball with an erratic bounce that can be bounced and caught by one person. No 2 bounces are the same, so a person must watch and react to every bounce.

The Qball is a new tool that is poised to revolutionize the way in which individuals of all ages train their brains and bodies. A solid rubber reaction ball with an erratic bounce, the Qball exercises and enhances hand-eye coordination, reaction times, vision and memory.