Everyday elite athletes all over the world utilize and rely on peripheral vision to perform successfully in sports. Peripheral vision and awareness allow athletes to see multiple moving objects, recognize patterns and react quickly and accurately.
Delaware, December 11, 2015 (Newswire.com) - This leads to better anticipation and more efficient movements, both of which are key in most sports. The Qball is a unique tool that can be used to strengthen and enhance an athlete’s peripheral vision and teach them to react quickly to a larger visual field.
Peripheral vision is the field of vision that lies outside the 3 degrees of central vision. Central vision is primarily responsible for the detection of colour and visual clarity. When we play sports, read or look at anything we predominantly use the center of our visual focus (called “fovea”) to see with. It provides clear detail of what we are looking at. Peripheral vision takes up a far greater surface area than central vision and gets progressively less detail-oriented as it moves away from the fovea. However, it captures movement and light contrast well and transmits information to the brain 25 percent faster than central vision. Reaction speed, anticipatory movements, and quick reflexes are all dependent on peripheral vision and can be enhanced by training and exercising peripheral awareness.
The Qball is a #1 best seller on Amazon for Sports Reaction Balls and is featured in December in the Amazon "12 days of Gifting" Promotion.
Bob Martyn, Founder
A solid rubber reaction ball with an erratic bounce, the Qball trains peripheral vision quickly and efficiently. A number of different games utilizing the Qball will teach individuals to rely on their peripheral vision to train fast, accurate reactions. As an individual improves it will appear as though the speed of a sport is slowing down. More time equals more options, resulting in better decisions and improved performance. For more information on the Qball visit www.qballextreme.com.